Sep 29, · However, even when the genres differ, it is possible to come across some specific similarities. This short essay aims to make a comparison of Beowulf and Macbeth – two outstanding pieces of British literature. Reading Beowulf, an Anglo Saxon poem, and Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the first impression is that they are not blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins In Shakespeare”s Macbeth, the Sergeant tells Duncan, “For brave Macbeth, –well he deserves that name.” Fellow warriors also respect Beowulf and friends even after his death they respect him as they mourn his death by saying, “And so Beowulf”s followers rode, mourning their beloved leader, crying that no better king had ever lived, no prince so mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise.”5/5(1) Beowulf, identified as an epic hero and Macbeth, identified as a tragic hero both are very similar and different in their own ways. The epic poem, Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney and the tragic play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare both have heroes as the protagonist of the story. The stories written in two different time periods, still can be seen with many similarities and differences
Beowulf And Macbeth Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia
Literature is full of different genres and specific styles that help create varied works. The pieces of literature are imaginative and various writings that may be united under the genres and styles. However, even when the genres differ, it is possible to come across some specific similarities. This short essay aims to make a comparison of Beowulf and Macbeth — two outstanding pieces of British literature.
Reading Beowulf, an Anglo Saxon poem, and Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the first impression is that they are not alike. However, the differences are more numerous. Comparing and contrasting the styles of these two plays, the similarities are more interesting for consideration as they are more difficult for identification. It is important to point to the similarities in the two pieces of literature analyzed.
How are Beowulf and Macbeth similar? They are as follows: the presentation of the heroes, the consideration of the ethical themes, and the final stages of the plays — the latter help to draw some ethical conclusions based on the peculiarity beowulf and macbeth essay the actions of the heroes. It is not a secret that the presentation of the characters differs from genre to genre, however, reading both these pieces of literature, it becomes obvious that both heroes in the epic poem and in the tragedy are notable people full of brave intentions and desire to act in favor of the society.
Who can Macbeth be compared to? He is a tragic hero who is a leader in the community, possesses some particular extraordinary features. Here is how beowulf and macbeth essay author describes him. The above quotes from the texts show that similarity is undeniable. Being tragic and epic characters, they are resembling in being the protectors and hopes beowulf and macbeth essay their societies.
The author presented their main characters in different genres as similar to no other styles could perform. Therefore, one can conclude that tragic and epic genres are identical in describing the main characters, the heroes of their times. These two pieces of writing, beowulf and macbeth essay, tragic and epic, help consider the ethical and moral side of the discussion. Macbeth makes a severe mistake. His pride and self-assurance do not allow him to see all the warnings, and in the end, the hero dies being combated and destroyed.
The death of the main character is the characteristic feature of the tragedy as the genre. Beowulf is also concerned with human values and moral choices. Thus, the ethical concern of the heroes is one more similarity in two pieces of writing. However, the close consideration of the moral actions of each of the heroes helps conclude that pride was the failure in Macbeth, while Beowulf managed to conserve the positive attitude of the society by means of his actions.
Struggling with dragons and other dangerous creatures, Beowulf showed himself as a person of great courage and fearless performance, ambitious and able to cope with difficulties. Of course, the tragedy and the epic poem contain more common themes that are presented in the plays, more problems that are solved and more conclusions which allow the audience to create a personal opinion about the main character as the heroes who are the leaders of the society. The final scenes are significant in understanding the primary purpose of the discussion.
Several specific situations are considered, and a reader can conclude the whole of humankind. Macbeth has different conclusions where his mistakes become apparent.
The death of the main character is the main characteristic feature of the play that offers audience food for thoughts about what could be in case Macbeth performed in another way.
The human actions are the basis for analysis, and the reader should get the main idea of the last speeches. These lines are full of pain to Lady Macbeth. However, even her death does not make Macbeth look at life from another angle.
He understands what the warning says when it is too late. Therefore, beowulf and macbeth essay, one can conclude that tragedy and epic poetry are two different genres. However, having considered the examples of Beowulf vs Macbeth, the former an Anglo Saxon poem, and the latter by William Shakespeare, one can conclude that there are several similarities between these two plays. The features of the main characters, their goals as the leaders of the society, the moral and ethical lessons, and the final scenes which are the most important in understanding the main idea of the plays are the things that make Beowulf and Macbeth similar.
Tragedy and epic poems are different genres aimed at achieving various goals using particular methods; however, the plays under consideration help to conclude that the similarities are also possible even within multiple genres. Beardwood, Robert and Kate Macdonell, beowulf and macbeth essay. New York: Insight Publications, New York: Wordsworth Editions, Shakespeare, William. New York: Filiquarian Publishing, beowulf and macbeth essay, Beowulf and macbeth essay. Warsh, Lewis and Michael Spring.
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Beowulf: The Epic in Performance - Benjamin Bagby, voice and medieval harp
, time: 1:37:20Beowulf vs Macbeth: Compare and Contrast Essay
Sep 29, · However, even when the genres differ, it is possible to come across some specific similarities. This short essay aims to make a comparison of Beowulf and Macbeth – two outstanding pieces of British literature. Reading Beowulf, an Anglo Saxon poem, and Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the first impression is that they are not blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Beowulf, identified as an epic hero and Macbeth, identified as a tragic hero both are very similar and different in their own ways. The epic poem, Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney and the tragic play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare both have heroes as the protagonist of the story. The stories written in two different time periods, still can be seen with many similarities and differences In Shakespeare”s Macbeth, the Sergeant tells Duncan, “For brave Macbeth, –well he deserves that name.” Fellow warriors also respect Beowulf and friends even after his death they respect him as they mourn his death by saying, “And so Beowulf”s followers rode, mourning their beloved leader, crying that no better king had ever lived, no prince so mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise.”5/5(1)
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