Dissertation Course Syllabus be a struggle on its Dissertation Course Syllabus own for some students). Proper paper writing includes Dissertation Course Syllabus a lot Dissertation Course Syllabus of research and an ability to form strong arguments to defend your point of view. It also requires knowledge about how to present your thoughts on Jul 30, · Dissertation Proposal & Research – EDUC CG • Section • 11/10/ to 04/18/ • Modified 07/27/ Apply Now Request Info Course Description This Location. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater West Main Street Whitewater, WI
DBA DISSERTATION - Course Catalog | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Interdisciplinary Studies of South Asia I:. The History and Practice of South Asia Studies. Graduate Seminar. JSISA Autumn Wednesdays PST. Professor Christian Lee Novetzke. This course will familiarize graduate students in South Asia studies and allied fields—especially language and literature, history, art history, anthropology, archeology, comparative literature, sociology, religious studies, global health, social work, dissertation course syllabus, education—with some of the dissertation course syllabus debates central to the study of South Asia.
In particular, this course emphasizes debates about Orientalism, colonialism, dissertation course syllabus, and postcolonialism and focuses on the intersections of caste, gender, class, and religion. Through these lenses, we will explore subjects dissertation course syllabus as philology, subaltern studies, nationalist discourse, critical historiography, Feminism, Marxism, queer theory, modernity, and representation discourse. I have selected readings for this class that have influenced the academic discourse of South Asia Studies, have had a strong and recent impact on the study of South Asia, or represent a particularly notable approach to South Asian studies as an academic field.
Instead, it is a way to open the door to your own future explorations and scholarship. Dissertation course syllabus you do not find on this syllabus the reading or subject you want or expect to study, please see this as an opportunity to pursue that specific interest in your final project and the rest of your academic career.
And while I try to assign readings that touch on all the current nation-states of South Asia, dissertation course syllabus, my aim is not to survey those nation states but rather to introduce ideas that can be used in your own study of these regions.
The selection of any given reading or author should not be understood as my endorsement of any dissertation course syllabus idea, theory, perspective, dissertation course syllabus, politics, or an endorsement of any of the authors or any aspect of their lives or legacies.
The Academy, like all of society, has been shaped by forces of structural and active sexism, racism, classism, ableism, communalism, dissertation course syllabus, and other systems of power inequality.
Understanding how the readings we explore are embedded in structures of inequality and injustice is a core endeavor of this class. In order to explore those structures collectively we have to read and know the material. Much academic scholarship is based on revision or rejection of earlier ideas, and so knowing those ideas, even if you strongly disagree with them, dissertation course syllabus essential in such a project of revision or rejection, dissertation course syllabus.
If you encounter authors or works in this course with which you strongly disagree, or even find offensive, please take this as an opportunity to generate your own critique of this work. Please also note that our readings may contain material that is disturbing to a reader regarding subjects such as religion, caste, race, sex, violence, and colonialism, dissertation course syllabus. This is a graduate theory seminar in South Asia Studies that requires active engagement with the material and with each other.
Some class meetings may involve informal introductory comments by me and may include in-class projects or writing, which may take place individually, in small groups, or with the whole class. Every class will require active, verbal, constructive engagement dissertation course syllabus the readings dissertation course syllabus with one another. In addition to engaging with our readings, ideas, and work, we will have opportunities to discuss aspects of professionalization as scholars, academics, dissertation course syllabus, and writers.
This course assumes in-person learning following the intentions of the President and Provost of UW to hold in-person classes in the Autumn of However, we will use Canvas extensively for pre-class discussion and the distribution of readings. If public health conditions change, we will adapt as a class to any new requirements, dissertation course syllabus. Please note that no one in this course will be penalized for late work, dissertation course syllabus, missed work, missed sessions, or any other aspect of participation and assignment due to complications related to Covid I will follow and will require students to follow all guidelines and rules regarding safe in-person learning environments instituted by the University of Washington.
We will strictly adhere to UW policy regarding the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff. A mask is required inside all UW buildings, including in our classroom, at all times. In addition, I will require that students adhere to all other rules issued by UW, including rules surrounding mandated vaccination, disclosure of Covid-like symptoms, and disclosing Covid exposure.
Dissertation course syllabus reserve the right to change this syllabus at any point, including the readings and assignments, as required. If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating you require accommodations, please present the letter to me as soon as possible so that I can make necessary arrangements. All the readings other than the three books below are available on Canvas.
The books below all have ebook versions and will be available in hard copy on reserve. You can purchase them, check them out from the library, or find other e-versions of them. Weekly Readings and Class Plans. Faculty members at the University of Washington have the right to academic freedom which includes presenting and exploring topics and content that governments may consider to be illegal and, therefore, dissertation course syllabus, choose to censor. Examples may include topics and content involving but not limited to : religion; gender and sexuality; human rights; democracy and representative government; disputations of land, territory, maps, and borders; disputations regarding civic, state, and national sovereignty; and historic events, their portrayal, and their accuracy.
If, as a UW student, you are living outside of the United States while taking courses remotely, you are subject to the laws of your local jurisdiction. Local authorities may limit your access to course material and take punitive action towards you. The University of Washington has no authority over the laws in your jurisdictions or how local authorities enforce those laws.
Neither the University of Washington nor your professor, teaching assistant, or fellow students can be held liable for any legal matter related to your dissertation course syllabus jurisdiction, dissertation course syllabus. This includes, but is not limited to, the content of discussion, dissertation course syllabus, lectures, readings, postings, and all other materials associated with this course.
If you are taking UW courses outside of the United States, you may have reason to exercise caution when enrolling in courses that cover topics and issues censored or deemed illegal in your jurisdiction. Due to restrictions in different places, certain materials may not be freely accessed, circulated, or downloaded. If you have concerns about these issues in relationship to any aspect of this course, please alert the instructor as soon as possible.
For these reasons it is important that you alert your instructor if you are accessing class materials from outside the US, and also educate yourself about the possible challenges you may face given your location. Please use dissertation course syllabus from this class for instructional purposes only.
If you have concerns regarding a course or courses that you have registered for, please discuss this with your course instructor. The University of Washington Student Conduct Code WAC defines prohibited academic and behavioral conduct and describes how the University holds students accountable as they pursue their academic goals.
Allegations of misconduct by students may be referred to dissertation course syllabus appropriate campus office for investigation and resolution. The University takes academic integrity very seriously. Behaving with integrity is part of our responsibility to our shared learning community. I am willing to discuss questions you might have. Concerns about these or other behaviors prohibited by the Student Conduct Code will be referred for investigation and adjudication by the Office of Scholarly Integrity.
Students found to have engaged in academic misconduct may receive a zero on the assignment or other possible outcomes. Plagiarism is defined as the use of creations, ideas or words of publicly available work without formally acknowledging the author or source through appropriate use of quotation marks, references, and the like.
This constitutes plagiarism whether it is intentional or unintentional. The University of Washington takes plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism may lead to disciplinary action by the University against the student who submitted the work. Any student who is uncertain whether his or her use of the work of others constitutes plagiarism should consult the course instructor for guidance before formally submitting the course work involved.
Sources: UW Graduate School Style Manual; UW Bothell Catalog; UW Student Conduct Code. A student who dissertation course syllabus he or she has been improperly graded must first discuss the matter with the instructor, dissertation course syllabus. The Dean and Provost should be informed of this action.
Once a student submits a written appeal, this document and all subsequent actions on this appeal are recorded in written form for deposit in a School file, dissertation course syllabus. If you have any concerns about a Jackson School course or your instructor, please see the instructor about these concerns as soon as possible. If you are not comfortable talking with the instructor or not satisfied with the response that you receive, you may contact the chair of the program offering the course names available from the Office of Student Services, Thomson Hall If you have any concerns about a teaching assistant, please see the teaching assistant about these concerns as soon as possible.
If you are not comfortable talking with the teaching assistant or not satisfied with the response that you receive, you may contact the instructor in charge of the course. If you are still not satisfied with the response that you receive, you may contact the chair of the program offering the course names available from the Office of Student Services, Thomson Hallor the Graduate School at G-1 Communications Building The University of Washington reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, dissertation course syllabus, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran in accordance with University of Washington policy and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.
Your experience in this class is important to me, dissertation course syllabus. Dissertation course syllabus is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create dissertation course syllabus and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students DRSplease activate your accommodations via myDRS so we can discuss how they will be implemented in this course.
If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations conditions include but not limited to: mental health, attention-related, learning vision, hearing, physical or health impactscontact DRS directly to set up an Access Plan. DRS facilitates the interactive process that establishes reasonable accommodations.
Contact DRS at disability. Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities.
If you believe that you are being harassed, seek help—the earlier the better. You may speak with your instructor, your teaching assistant, the director of student services Thomsonor the director of the Jackson School Thomson. In addition, you should be aware that the University has designated special people to help you. They dissertation course syllabus University Ombudsman and Ombudsman for Sexual Harassment for complaints involving faculty members and teaching assistants Lois Price Spratlen, Student Union, ; and the University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office, dissertation course syllabus, Sources: UW Graduate School, CIDR, Office of the President.
The Office of Scholarly Integrity is housed in the Office of the Vice-Provost. The Office of Scholarly Integrity assumes responsibility for investigating and resolving allegations of scientific and scholarly misconduct by faculty, students, and staff of the University of Washington.
The Office of Scholarly Integrity coordinates, in consultation and cooperation with the Schools and Colleges, inquiries and investigations into allegations of scientific and scholarly misconduct.
The Office of Scholarly Integrity is responsible dissertation course syllabus compliance with reporting requirements established by various Federal and other funding agencies in matters of scientific or scholarly misconduct. The Office of Scholarly Integrity maintains all records resulting from inquiries and investigations of such allegations. University rules Handbook, Vol. II, SectionExecutive Order 61 define scientific and scholarly misconduct to include the following forms of inappropriate activities: intentional misrepresentation of credentials; falsification of data; plagiarism; abuse of confidentiality; deliberate violation of regulations applicable to research.
Students can report cases of scientific or scholarly misconduct either to the Office of Scholarly Integrity, to their faculty adviser, or the department chair. The student should report such problems to whomever he or she feels most comfortable. Part 84dissertation course syllabus, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 42 U.
My thanks to Mika Ahuvia for compiling this information. The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of the course schedule, and the basics of course grading. You can add any other comments, dissertation course syllabus, notes, or thoughts you have about the course structure, course policies or anything else.
My Dashboard JSIS A A Syllabus. Autumn Syllabus UW Resources.
, time: 16:39Syllabus for Capstone Design Studio

Course Description. This course serves as an introductory course in the dissertation methodology writing process. The focus of the course is the further development of the student’s dissertation proposal of the first three chapters of the traditional doctoral dissertation and completion of Course Syllabus. Jump to Today. Interdisciplinary Studies of South Asia I: Course Description. graduate students writing exams, theses, dissertation proposals, or dissertation chapters are strongly urged to use this assignment to further those projects. I will ask you to post a prospective title and abstract to Canvas on 11/2 and we Jul 30, · Dissertation Proposal & Research – EDUC CG • Section • 11/10/ to 04/18/ • Modified 07/27/ Apply Now Request Info Course Description This
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